selection of substrate in microstrip design

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what is the advantage of using alumina substrate over other soft substrate?

The soft substrate is mechanically soft, so it is usually attached to some metal back for mechanical stability.

I have a doubt in a typical application oriented issue:

1. I have been given the option of two substrate a. RT-duriod( 10.8 relative permitivity), b. alumina (9.8 permitivity), i have to design LNAs , Active multplier circuits etc at 17 GHz for receiver front end, once the package will be realized it has to under go temperature cycle( -30 c to +60 c). Which substrate will be best for me and which will cater all the problems.

beside the expensive of substrate materials
there is other disadvantage for using a thicker substrate,a thicker on will cause the excitation of surface waves

Dear guys,

Our factory can help you fabricate the PCB with Rogers substrates with good quality, and also, the technology for pressing FR-4 together with Rogers are in mature.
if you would like to get more, don't hesitate to make your comments .

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