Selecting Variable Gain Amplifiers

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Dec 31, 2012
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Hello all,

I'll be attempting to use a linear CCD (as soon as the parts arrive), and meanwhile, I've been selecting the necessary components for data acquisition.

In particular, I'm looking for a variable gain amplifier which should allow me to fully utilise the ADC's input range.

After looking at some parts, the main question is how should I select the appropriate bandwidth? Also, are there any suggestions as to what I should be looking out for?

Thank you.

how should I select the appropriate bandwidth
Counter question: what's the intended pixel clock frequency? The amplifier should be able settle to < 1 LSB in the available acquisition time.

Thanks for replying. Sadly, that's something I haven't been able to figure out.

There are quite a few clock signals going to the CCD, but as far as I can tell, it'll not be more than 20MHz.

But for now, is it possible to take the frequency to be of an arbitrary value x MHz? It'll be helpful if I could learn how to select the appropriate bandwidth in a general case.

Apart for selecting a suitable VGA, the answer also matters for the ADC and data path design. In so far understanding the datasheet is the obvious first step.

I'm not sure I understand exactly what you mean. Could you elaborate a little further? What should I be looking out for in the datasheet? I've been focusing mainly on how to give the appropriate clock signals to the CCD and also the output voltage range (to select the ADC and VGA). For reference, I've ordered the TCD1703C.

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