Patexia is running a prior art search contest in optical signaling with a $4000 prize. The contest involves finding sources describing a similar technique to - but published before - a patent on improved methods of modulating data for optical transmission.
In particular, we are interested in the feature referred to as “quadrature-return-to-zero,” a method of quadrature modulation, or modulating two signals onto two signal carriers. This method transmits two data signals (consisting of two distinct streams of data symbols, e.g. a series of -1 and +1) on adjacent carrier frequencies. By carefully selecting these carrier frequencies, the total transmitted power returns to zero at the same frequency as the data rate. As a result, the invention reduces the transmission power to zero between data symbols.
You can see more about the technique on the contest page here:
For reference, a previous contest ( was won by a graduate student at a top EE school.
We’re also offering a $500 prize for referring the winner through our site, so feel free to invite your colleagues if you know the right person.