Seek guidance as part of my ongoing VLSI career

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Newbie level 4
Oct 9, 2010
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I saw a recent similar post, and thought the dialog was rather interesting. But what advice for those already in the industry, with so many changes over the years, where is the future of VLSI?

Some say SysVerilog others DSP…. to each his/her own but what skills would you recommend for long term career viability in the ASIC/FPGA space
For instance say you are faced with 2 design opportunities, and you are coming as a mid/senior level background predominantly in vhdl, with a B.S. EE (as opposed to M.S. EE) and have limited true DSP experience. But have extensive front-end, experience (design, architecture, simulation, floorplanning, STA, synthesis) as well as moderate backend experience with DFT/scan, Cadence PKS/Buildcates. However you have limited experience with Matlab professionally, and are not exactly a math wizard.

What would be the wisest career path choice in terms of long term career viability / versatility in todays marketplace and a good seed for the future of design?

1) An opportunity predominantly in Verilog with possibility of System Verilog. [rounding out and developing more high level verification skills]

2) An opportunity working with DSP algorithms in VHDL (possibly working with predefined algorithms, and making subtle changes). [Getting you foot in the door into the DSP space]

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