See co-polarization and x-polarization in IE3D software

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Jul 9, 2007
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Hi all ,

Could anybody tell me , how can i see co-polarization and x-polarization when i have 2 port in IE3D software?

Please tell me perfectly this process.

Best Regards

Hi, Rf-en:

co-pol and cross-pol are artificial. You can always pick one polarization and define it as co-pol and the other one is the cross-pol. As a general tool, IE3D does not tell you which one is co-pol and which one is cross-pol because of the above reason. You need to define it by yourself. Regards.


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Hi Dr.Jian,
Thank you for your attention.
Could you tell me, How can I pick one polarization and define it as co-pol and other one it the cross-pol Please in IE3D ?
For example , Can I pick E-theta at phi=0 for co-pol and pick E-phi at phi=0 for cross-pol in the 2D-Pattern view ?
Or could you give a example?
Hi, rf-en:

Yes. It is what you need to do. If you think E-theta at phi = 0 is your co-pol, then E-phi at phi = 0 is your cross-pol.

Traditionally, designers will consider the stronger E-field pol as the co-pol and the weaker E-field pol as the cross-pol. Given an antenna with its properites well defined in a specific frequency range, we can tell what its col-pol and what its cross-pol are. However, from the viewpoint of generality, we can't define them automatically. Just a well-defined antenna, when you change its frequency to other than the regular frequency, its polarization will change. You may even have a case with E-theta and E-phi higher at different angles for the same cut. Apparently, we can't provide a general definition of co-pol and cross-pol unless it is for a some very simple antenna like a dipole because the polarization of a general antenna may change with many different parameters and situations. A designer has to decide on it. A designer should check the polarized field at a cut to see which one is higher and which one is lower (E-theta vs. E-phi, E-left vs. E-right, etc.) and decide which pol is the co-pol and which one is the cross-pol.




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Yes Jian,

but some polarization are "standard" like (E-th, E-Phi) or (E-RHCP, E-LHCP).
IE3D is powerful EM software, but in selecting the polarization and viewing beam cuts is not so easy (you have to go up and down in a long list of checkbox !!).

But more important for people working in the antena field, IE3D does not have the linear polarization concept (ludwig 3-rd definition). I suggest Zeland to introduce it in the basic polarization, even because to achive X and Y pol is easy as for RHCP and LHCP from Th e phi.



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Hi, juppydu:

Thank you for your suggestion! Regards,


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