Sector 0 in a Compactflash

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identify device command compact flash

Hi goshka ,
You have information , how to PIC interface CF or SC ?


sandisk boot record

ie excuse, i can't upload it via proxy...

windows xp bpb_rsvdseccnt


I had the same problem.
What has been confusing me most is that when i do a dump of the CF to a file and then dump that file again to the CF (i've done this using linux), the CF is still readable on windows and the boot sector is now actually on the sector 0.
About the code that apeared on the sector 0 (before the dump stuff) is quite similar to this:
But on a nikon card (made by sandisk) it is differerent, almost all zeros and in the end 0x55AA.

To know how many hidden sectors are there just do this:
Exec an identify device command and read the word sectors per track (index 12 and 13), this will tell you how many sectors to jump.
Example: on a 32MB card you will jump 32 sectors.
And to know if there is the need to jump i look for the first byte on the sector and expect that it will be 0xEB

Hope this helps

read mbr compact flash

Thank you very very much, I like the method that you have used.


adding boot sector to a cf card


I need AVR <-> CF/MMC interface C source code, can you sent it via email.

compact flash boot sectors

Dear all:
I have a problem. I don't know how to see the sector 0 of HDD in Hex Code Format in my PC?Is use Debug ? If anyone know how to do.Please tell me. My E-mail is
Thank you very much.

cf card identify sector cluster

Download program winhex, and you will be able to see all sectors of hard disk, or memoy cards. Just click on tools->Opendisk

compactflash hidden sector

Hello...I'm asking for help 'bout how can I read from an SD Card with an 8051 family microcontroller. Does anyone know 'bout an already-made free code to do this? I suppose that this question is similar to the "how to interface a CF Card and an AVR" one, but I have no idea 'bout how to use an AVR or how to traslate that code to an 8051's code and I don't know neither if the structure and the way a CF Card works is the same to the way an SD Cards does.

Please help me! This is one part of my final project, I accept any kind of orientation!


bpb mbr location on mmc/sd cards


I need AVR <-> CF/MMC interface C source code, can you sent it via email.

avr cf card

this is a message for Gorilla

Thanks for explaining how ot get from MBR to FAT . I think !

As I see it (for your first sector):

00h - jump code (EB 3C) + NOP (90)
0Bh - bytes per sector (WORD) = 512
0Dh - sectors per cluster (BYTE) = 4
0Eh - reserved sectors (WORD) = 1
10h - copies of FAT (BYTE) = 2
11h - max Root Dir entries (WORD) = 512
13h - numbers of sectors for partition < 32 MB (WORD) = 62,560 (=32,030,720 bytes on card)
15h - media discriptor (BYTE) = F8 (hard disk)
16h - sectors per FAT (WORD) = 61
1Ch - hidden sectors in partition (DWORD) = 32
20h - numbers of sectors for partition >= 32 MB (DWORD) = 0
26h - Extedned Signature (BYTE) = 29h
2Bh - Volume Name (11 bytes) = NO NAME
36h - FAT name (8 bytes) = FAT16
1FEh - Executable Marker = 55AA

So reserved sectors + hidden sectors = 33, that means the first FAT should be at sector 33. After the 2 FATs you should find the first directory entry.

this has taken days of reading stuff on net and getting me no where so thanks

hdd sector zero is position

Hello all,
How could I read LBA = 0?

I had set up my hardware and suscessfully read the buffer after IDENTIFY (0xEC) command. But until now (after many attempt), I still can't read the buffer with READ_SECTOR with LBA = 0. All the buffer are 0 after that command.

Can someone help me please?

Thanks & best regards.

add mbr to compact flash

Hello all,

Get it. Had my data port ddr set wrongly.

Thanks & best regards.

cf sector 0 info

what is the password for this file

read hidden sectors flash

Message to goshka GOSHKA:

1. Yes.

Link does not provide correct keys for unzipping actual downloads!!!

2. can you send me AVR C-code for SD/MMC handling.


Look for pkcrack to crack it. the password contains several keys!

Could Goshka or any of you microcontroller brother send me the AVR C-code for SD/MMC handling and the zip crack please? It will be the most usefull thing ever...!

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