Searching Raspberry Pi


Advanced Member level 3
Nov 3, 2018
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I have looked at the following two websites for searching Raspberry Pi.

Our requirement is to have 100 Mbit/s Ethernet RJ45, I2C, SPI and some GPIOs.

I have found Raspberry Pi Model B+ and Orange Pi Zero. They do have 100 Mbit/s Ethernet RJ45 but I am not sure if they also have I2C and SPI.

Is there exist Raspberry Pi with 100 Mbit/s Ethernet RJ45, I2C, SPI and some GPIOs ?

A general question on Raspberry Pi, do we have access to the schematic of the development boards of Raspberry Pi that can be used as a reference design to add/implement Micro Processor with peripherals in the custom design hardware ?

The Raspberry Pi B+ certainly does have SPI and I2C as well as Ethernet and GPIO pins, I have no experience with the Orange Pi.
Search for Pi 'Hats', I'm not sure why they call them that unless it's just because they sit on top of the main board, they follow a standard pin configuration so they plug directly in to the main board and are stackable so several boards can be fitted at once. Pi's also have four USB sockets, a camera interface and HDMI video outputs.


It look like there are several manufacturers producing Raspberry PI. I have tried to find the full schematic but it is not very easy to find the full schematic of the development boards of Raspberry Pi. Only the top level in which pinout of connectors and interfaces are given on one page is usually available.

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