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Re: input buffer

Please clarify your question more clearer. What's your used for? And what's the freqency you used on? etc.


Re: input buffer

depending on the application ,required voltage swing ,operating frequency,,the type of i/p buffer is determined,,, for very high freq. CML buffer is good,,, ,,,,,

Re: input buffer

If I would like to use 20MHz ~40MHz TCXO, How do I make a input buffer?
Please help me !!!!

input buffer

Do you mean
Temperature Controlled Crystal Oscillators ?
If you design a chip which received signal from
crystal , you need a OSC pad.
a simple input buffer can not fit your requirement.

Re: input buffer

I am sorry,
I am a newbie.
What is a OSC PAD?
Is it different from normal PAD or RF PAD?

Please inform to me.
Thanks in advance.

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