Searching for a project idea

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Full Member level 2
Apr 4, 2012
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Hi !! I want to improve my knowledge on FPGA design and what better way to do this than through practice.
So I want some ideas on a medium-high complexity project with an interesting application. Feel free to speak what comes to mind

I may go to a contest, so I would prefer something that could support further developping!

Which FPGA kit you are having...and what kind of IP licences you are having.? This will decide the vast learning area through any project...Kindly Give these detials..
I will suggest you some projects on that basis..

For the moment i have a Spartan 6 - Nexys 3....... for design I generally use Xilinx ISE Webpack with Student Licence( until now all IP block I needed were available).

If you are a beginner, trust me you dont want a tough project to start with, not to disappoint, but soon you may feel so dragged and will not hold it. If you have that competence, then start with a matlab~FPGA based design such as an FIR or FFT design. See if you can use System Generator design and implement successfully a modulator\\demodulator for QPSK, QAM etc

Always welcome for ideas.

I'm not quite a beginner in FPGA design, meaning I have some working projects already done(MIPS processor, VGA decoder, EPP interface etc). It is true that there are to learn yet, that's why I need a challenge. As I said I may go to a college contest and I would like something competitive, something with an interesting application.

Given your project idea, I am amused by the coincidence: a FIR/IIR design was my last school project.

how about some form of target tracking?

- - - Updated - - -

to make it harder, try it with a non-static camera.
Sounds interesting. I already have the vga controller so I can use it to display what the camera is recording.
I need to add some logic to identify a certain target(like moving objects, peoples or cars etc). Basically this project is an image processing project.
Using a non-static camera is tricky, so first I think I'll do it with a static one.

Thank you TrickyDicky, you have given me something to think about!

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