SD card interface (SPI mode)

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Member level 2
Nov 27, 2013
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hi. i need to read an image from sd card through my altera de2 board. i have read the article 'how to use mmc/sdc' from . it describes the 'protocol to control MMC/SDCs in SPI mode'. but where can i find the code to edit based on my need? should i start from scratch writing my verilog code?

how do i start with this? i know i can use nios but if possible, i want to do it in verilog. can you give examples even in vhdl? i'd greatly appreciate any help from you guys. thanks in advance. :smile::smile:

have a look :

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have a look :

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can i use pure verilog in accessing sd card? or i should first follow the steps here and then make a program to communicate with the sd card, is this a 'must do' before accessing it? i haven't used sopc builder or nios yet.

can i use pure verilog in accessing sd card? or i should first follow the steps here and then make a program to communicate with the sd card, is this a 'must do' before accessing it? i haven't used sopc builder or nios yet.

you can, but it will probebly not going to do you any good.

i started reading tutorials on how to do the sd card interface and i found this altera laboratory exercise on interface protocol wherein a sd card interface is made in spi mode (exactly what i was looking). but i don't know how to make the module for the sd card interface component. can you help me with this?
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* even if you implement this by yourself you still need to handle the file system.
* this code has already done by altera in their open university core.
* you can download the entire core (vhdl) with it's nios driver from the altera ftp.
* latest version is 13.0.

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