Scripts for automating the running of DRC and LVS checks and Parasitic Extraction

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Newbie level 4
Feb 8, 2010
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Hi everyone-
I'm relatively new at using Mentor Graphics DA-IC and IC Station. I've been tasked to write scripts (in either AMPLE or Tcl) to automate the running of DRC and LVS checks as well as Parasitic Extraction using Calibre. I'm not entirely sure where to even begin with this, but if anyone has any pointers to either a tutorial or even what tool to use within these programs. Any pointers would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!

Re: Automation

you can extract the command which need to do DRC and LVS and use script to link the whole flow!

Re: Automation

Thanks for the quick reply! I really appreciate it! That was definitely along the lines of what I was thinking. Any pointers would definitely be helpful!

Re: Automation

Thanks for your reply! That definitely seemed like a great place to start. Unfortunately, since I'm rather new at this, I'm having a hard time sorting through all of the information and whatnot. Generally, what I'd like to do is within Mentor Graphics IC Station, write an Ample script which would run Calibre DRC and LVS on the loaded schematic/layout and automate the reporting of any errors. Would you know of a place where I can see an example of this online or where to begin with this?


Refer "Batch Commands User's and Reference Manual" which presents in the doc area.

You can find the docs from your tool installed place.

Re: Automation

That sounds great! Unfortunately, I don't know what document you are referring to. Any help would be appreciated!

Re: Automation

That's perfect! Thanks so much. By any chance, would you have a sample script that runs DRC or LVS checks that I could look at? I'm honestly really lost when looking at that manual.

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