what is ordinary diode
Hey johnyaya, max0412 thanks for the prompt reply.
About the latch and holding current, I´ve already put a resistor drawing about 50ma, do not work either. The relay keeps, as it seems, auto-oscilating (after the SCR fire, with the SCR off, the relay stays off).
About the transient generated from the relay, it´s about 5 times the relay coil, or 240v. The SCR is rated at 400V.
This is the protoype circuit. It should turn on-off a load upon a valid IR receive.
I think that the half-rectifier transformerless power supply give me the requirements for driving the SCR. The scr gate current, relative to the catode, is positive.
When the PIC receives a valid IR comun., it will fire the small SCR to drive the DC coil relay. It´s a pure +5VDC to the gate, no phase or zero crossing detection. Simple as it meant to be.
Just a note: when the capacitor is took out off the circuit, it seems to work fine. The relay chater ´cause the pulsating DC after the SCR, but the waveform at the scope is OK. When a large capacitor is put again, the circuit becomes crazy again...
I use DC coil relay cause mini 120VAC PCB relays are dificult to get, and I have limitations on size and budget. Using a TRIAC to drive the load is not an option, because of its higher price compared to the relay and because it will be very hot, needing something to irradiate the heat (more space used than a relay).
Sometime ago I used a MPSA44 (400v) transistor to do the job, worked for some time, but one of them exploded, think thats because of the power at the transistor when it´s conducting (or I did something wrong). Simulating with the computer tells me that all is fine regarding the transistor power and current, but it exploded.
Now this circuit is the cheapest..... and useless...