Schematic and Board review

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Full Member level 5
Aug 16, 2004
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I thought I would submit my schematics and board for any suggestions that anyone may have. It's basically a front-end for my Linux mp3 server - LCD, USB, PIC and IR receiver. The zip file has the board in both protel and PDF formats, schematics in PDF and Excel BOM for reference. Any suggestions are appreciated!

Oh, this is also mirrored (so no points lost!) at:

**broken link removed**


I really don't have much experience with the sort of device you are building, so I guess my opinion is a bit weak on this one. But for what its worth, it looks pretty good to me. All the standard decoupling caps, generous power/gnd plane, and a good layout. I always try to make things as small as possible, but thats just bad habit on my part, considering most things need to be housed in something, with mounting holes etc..

One thing, I've quickly read the PIC18F258 specs and even though its 40MHz, can it really handle the USB? I suppose with mp3's streaming in real time, that ain't a problem.

Good luck! I might post a dev board I designed for CPLD's in here at some point, when I get the board and test it.


I don't want to dissapoint you, but regarding schematics, your board should be much smaller in dimensions. Because this is not mixed signal design and clock frequencies are not high you can place all components closer to save PCB space.

simce: I was waiting for someone to comment about that It might not be apparent from the silkscreen, but the reason the board is that size is because an LCD is directly mounted on it. In the end, all that will show is the LCD, no circuitry, since the board will be exactly behind it. That's what the numerous mounting holes are for.

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