Hello . I am trying to modify the existing sar logic controller as below so as to have sample pulse period of 2 clocks period but cannot ? I managed to make it work at rtl simulation but once running pre-gate lavel it cannot work ?
Can anyone help modify it to as give 2 clocks period delay for sample pulse ?
Attached also is the pdf from web that I used as example .
// ADC controller
module controller(clk,go,valid,result, sample,value,cmp);
input clk; // clock input
input go; // go=1 to perform conversion
output valid; // valid=1 when conversion finished
output [7:0] result; // 8 bit result output
output sample; // to S&H circuit
output [7:0] value; // to DAC
input cmp; // from comparitor
reg [1:0] state; // current state in state machine
reg [7:0] mask; // bit to test in binary search
reg [7:0] result; // hold partially converted result
// state assignment
parameter sWait=0, sSample=1, sConv=2, sDone=3;
// synchronous design
always @(posedge clk) begin
if (!go) state <= sWait; // stop and reset if go=0
else case (state) // choose next state in state machine
sWait : state <= sSample;
sSample :
begin // start new conversion so
state <= sConv; // enter convert state next
mask <= 8’b10000000; // reset mask to MSB only
result <= 8’b0; // clear result
sConv :
// set bit if comparitor indicates input larger than
// value currently under consideration, else leave bit clear
if (cmp) result <= result | mask;
// shift mask to try next bit next time
mask <= mask>>1;
// finished once LSB has been done
if (mask[0]) state <= sDone;
sDone :;
assign sample = state==sSample; // drive sample and hold
assign value = result | mask; // (result so far) OR (bit to try)
assign valid = state==sDone; // indicate when finished