May I know will GND bounce errors happen in Analog measurements
Yes generally. A single ended operation is generally not disabling the differential input,
and if the bounce is substantial both in magnitude and width to the input sampler
you can get errors.
If you are using a micro with a SAR on it one consideration is to turn off all GPIO activity
to help mitigate the bounce. Or use averaging to help remove noise, but keep in mind
averaging degrades if noise has correlated components in it. Which micros have as clock
is central to most peripherals.
Also when doing bypassing work Polymer Tants best for bulk bypassing, and ceramics or
MLC for the high frequency stuff.
A good way of looking at your noise situation is put your scope on infinite persistence,
normal edge trigger at a low V, say 10 mV or so, and watch the pk-pk noise build up on
Regards, Dana.