S-parameters from just S11

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Junior Member level 1
Feb 13, 2015
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It's the first time for me to write in this forum.
I'm beginner in ADS and measurement of S-parameters.
I want to know if we can extract S-parameters form only S11 one-port measurement?

I want also define a Z-impedance on ADS but I didn't find the block for that.

Thank you,


Not sure what you question is. For a 1-port measurement, the complete S-parameter results are [S11]. For more ports you get a larger S matrix. If you want S21 etc of course you need two or more ports.

Z-parameter output can be enabled in the S-parameter block.

Thank you Volker for your response.

This information is helpful for me.
I have another question, how to define a resistance, which its value vs frequency are exported from data on ADS graph. Do we use Z1P_Eqn or another block?

Thank you,


Twhich its value vs frequency are exported from data on ADS graph. Do we use Z1P_Eqn or another block?

I understand that you have simkulation results (resistance values) at different frequencies, and want to use that in an ADS schematic? Why not use S-parameters directly (S1P file)?

If you have a table of resistance values and want to manually create the file: In the S1P file file you can use S-parameters or Z-parameters or Y-parameters, whatever is easiest. Just change the header as needed to indicate what data it is. Format description -> search for "Touchstone file format"
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What I want exactly is to integer R values vs frequency in my circuit. This values are exported form another structure using this relation R = Real (Zin1).
Now, I want to use the values of (R Vs fr) in my news circuit using a block impedance.

Thank you for your help,


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This picture explain what I mean,


What I want exactly is to integer R values vs frequency in my circuit. This values are exported form another structure using this relation R = Real (Zin1).
Now, I want to use the values of (R Vs fr) in my news circuit using a block impedance.

Ok, understood. There are different ways to do this.

I would use function write_snp() in the ADS data display to export an S1P file from the calculated data. This can then be used as normal S1P files in simulation.

Do you know how to do the math to create S-parameter from your R values?

Also look for function write_var(), you might find that easier to create S1P in real/imag Z format directly from the calculated data.

Now I'm looking for write_snp on ADS.
For creating S-parameter fom R value, I think I can use the relation between S11 and Zin = R. Is that correct?

Thank you a lot for your help,


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Thank you I had solved my problem, you have given me many information,
I peak the first block entirely and I add it in my circuit.

Best regards,


For creating S-parameter fom R value, I think I can use the relation between S11 and Zin = R. Is that correct?

Yes. There are all these functions to convert from S to Z and vice versa. I tried your case and it works fine, see below:


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