AES S-box was specifically designed to be resistant to linear and differential cryptanalysis. This was done by minimizing the correlation between linear transformations of input/output bits, and at the same time minimizing the difference propagation probability.
Don't link key and S-Box ....
S-Box is same for every Key
If you want to generate some other S-box then it will mean that you are going for some other Encryption Algorithm .In otherwords the S-box is fixed for AES
AES is a Standard and the s-box must be same ,else it won't be AES
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thanks for ur reply bt i study that s-box is generated by two operation :1) multiplicative inverse of matrix element and then 2) affine transformation
if we will try to calculate s-box for each key seperately then it provide better security. Same we can do with inverse s-box..
Am i correct?
If you are trying to develop an IP Core or Software implementation it's better you follow the FIPS Standard otherwise if you are researcher going to experiment with the AES variants ,to produce AES variants then it's possible
This is is something you can refer
Key-Dependent S-Box Generation in AES Block
Cipher System