#!/usr/local/bin/wish -f
# execlog - run a UNIX program and log the output
# Set window title
wm title . ExecLog
# Create a frame for buttons and entry.
frame .top -borderwidth 10
pack .top -side top -fill x
# Create the command buttons.
button .top.quit -text Quit -command exit
set but [button .top.run -text "Run it" -command Run]
pack .top.quit .top.run -side right
# Create a labeled entry for the command
label .top.l -text Command: -padx 0
entry .top.cmd -width 20 -relief sunken \
-textvariable command
pack .top.l -side left
pack .top.cmd -side left -fill x -expand true
# Set up key binding equivalents to the buttons
bind .top.cmd <Return> Run
bind .top.cmd <Control-c> Stop
focus .top.cmd
# Create a text widget to log the output
frame .t
set log [text .t.log -width 80 -height 10 \
-borderwidth 2 -relief raised -setgrid true \
-yscrollcommand {.t.scroll set}]
scrollbar .t.scroll -command {.t.log yview}
pack .t.scroll -side right -fill y
pack .t.log -side left -fill both -expand true
pack .t -side top -fill both -expand true
# Run the program and arrange to read its input
proc Run {} {
global command input log but
if [catch {open "|$command"} input] {
$log insert end $input\n
} else {
fileevent $input readable Log
$log insert end $command\n
$but config -text Stop -command Stop
# Read and log output from the program
proc Log {} {
global input log
if [eof $input] {
} else {
gets $input line
$log insert end $line\n
$log see end
# Stop the program and fix up the button
proc Stop {} {
global input but
catch {close $input}
$but config -text "Run it" -command Run
Added after 24 seconds:
u may need to modify the code if necessary.