I have Telit SL869 GPS and I will going to use it with 10m RS232 cable. I know I need to use an RS232 transciever.
I olny know MAX232D from TI and I used them with 5V systems. I am confused because of GPS. it is 3.3V system and do I need to use level converter between MAX232 and GPS?
If one side of the transmitter is RS232 and the other is 3.3V then use a transmitter with this specification.
There are hundreds, maybe thousands of RS232 transmitter.
Because of this huge count distributors and manufacturers have interactive selection guides. Use them.
Dear KlausST, I checked the device and checked the datasheet and there is no information about the supply. Logic side conversion from 5V to 3.3V is made with charge capacitors or any other thing?
Even the headline of the datasheet says almost all you need to know: "3.0V to 5.5V, Low-Power, up to 1Mbps, True RS-232"
* 3.0V to 5.5V power supply (Telit modem side)
* true RS232 (RS232 cable side)
..this meets all you "specified" in your post#1
What else do you need?