RS232 communication between two pic18f452

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if the vote is casted then can i have a function of vote count i-e after all votes are casted then after that can i get toatal count of all vote casted for say candidate A.

i will look into this. i m right now trying to let my lcd backlight to be on but i m not getting any help for that on internet

- - - Updated - - -

ok . simple is that at the end when all votes would be casted for different candidates with cnic not duplicated suppose
fisrst cnic cast vote for candidate A and second cnic also cast vote for candidate A

then after vote casting how can i check how many votes Candidate A get.

i uaed counter for vote casting like this
#define sw1 PORTD.F0
#define sw2 PORTD.F1
#define sw3 PORTD.F2
#define sw4 PORTD.F3
#define sw5 PORTD.F4
#define led1 PORTB.F0
#define led2 PORTB.F1
#define led3 PORTB.F2
#define led4 PORTB.F3
#define led5 PORTB.F4

int keypressed =0;
unsigned char key_char, received_char;
void voteCount();
int count1=count2=count3=count4=count5=0;

void main() {
 TRISB = 0x00;
 PORTB = 0x00;
 TRISC.F6 = 1;
     TRISC.F7 = 0;

void votecount()
     while(1) {

                // If data is ready, read it:
                if (UART1_Data_Ready() == 1) {
                         received_char = UART1_Read();

                if(received_char == '0') {
                        keypressed = 1;
                else if(received_char == '1') {
                        keypressed = 0;

                  if(keypressed == 0) {

                  if((sw1 == 1) && (sw2 == 0) && (sw3 == 0) && (sw4 == 0) && (sw5 == 0)) {
                            if((sw1 == 1) && (sw2 == 0) && (sw3 == 0) && (sw4 == 0) && (sw5 == 0)) {
                                    led1 = 1;led2 = 0;led3 = 0;led4 = 0;;led5 = 0;
                                keypressed = 1;
                                key_char = '1';
[QUOTE]like this[/QUOTE] 
                                //UART1_Write_Text("switch 1 pressed!");


                else if((sw1 == 0) && (sw2 == 1) && (sw3 == 0) && (sw4 == 0) && (sw5 == 0)) {
                            if((sw1 == 0) && (sw2 == 1) && (sw3 == 0) && (sw4 == 0) && (sw5 == 0)) {
                                    led1 = 0;led2 = 1;led3 = 0;led4 = 0;;led5 = 0;
                                keypressed = 1;
                                key_char = '2';
                                //UART1_Write_Text("switch 2 pressed!");


                else if((sw1 == 0) && (sw2 == 0) && (sw3 == 1) && (sw4 == 0) && (sw5 == 0)) {
                            if((sw1 == 0) && (sw2 == 0) && (sw3 == 1) && (sw4 == 0) && (sw5 == 0)) {
                                    led1 = 0;led2 = 0;led3 = 1;led4 = 0;;led5 = 0;
                                keypressed = 1;
                                key_char = '3';
                           // UART1_Write_Text("switch 3 pressed!");


                else if((sw1 == 0) && (sw2 == 0) && (sw3 == 0) && (sw4 == 1) && (sw5 == 0)) {
                            if((sw1 == 0) && (sw2 == 0) && (sw3 == 0) && (sw4 == 1) && (sw5 == 0)) {
                                    led1 = 0;led2 = 0;led3 = 0;led4 = 1;;led5 = 0;
                                keypressed = 1;
                                key_char = '4';
                                 //UART1_Write_Text("switch 4 pressed!");


                else if((sw1 == 0) && (sw2 == 0) && (sw3 == 0) && (sw4 == 0) && (sw5 == 1)) {
                            if((sw1 == 0) && (sw2 == 0) && (sw3 == 0) && (sw4 == 0) && (sw5 == 1)) {
                                    led1 = 0;led2 = 0;led3 = 0;led4 = 0;;led5 = 1;
                                keypressed = 1;
                                key_char = '5';
                                 //UART1_Write_Text("switch 5 pressed!");







the above code is for ballot unit that is whenever the voter cast vote for candidate A the count gets incremented.
noe how can i display in the end when all votes have been casted for different candidates that how many votes candidate A or B or c ETC GETS.

If you have int variable counter and string variable myString[23] then the below code will convert int to string.

unsigned int counter = 0;
unsigned char myString[23];

void main() {

         IntToStr(counter, myString);

ok i get it and on uart terminal is this the way to send string

- - - Updated - - -

i m trying but not getting any idea. i needed that code for sending simple string through soft uart to pc urgently.

I thin UART1_Write() only send characters and not string. Check if the compiler has UART1_Write_Text() function if not write your own function using UART1_Write() function to send strings.

Try this

unsigned char myString[] = "Hello";

void UART1_Write_String(unsigned char myString1[]);

void UART1_Write_String(unsigned char myString1[]) {

	unsigned int i;

	for(i=0;i<strlen(myString1);i++) {




void main() {

	while(1) {



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