You do a stack up that you put 5 mils prepreg between the ground and power plane. This forms a sheet of distributed capacitance between the power and ground. You have 0.01 bypass cap on every power pin of the ICs, that will AC couple the power and ground plane. The key is to make sure you have 0.01 cap spaced something like 1" apart to form a square grid. This will further couple the two planes together for lower frequencies. The placement of the big 10 uF tantalum cap is not criticle. With these, you pretty much stitch the two plane together and you can rely on the power plane being the ground reference.
Yes, you put 5 mils between the two planes will make the dielectric thickness from the trace to plane to be like 25mil or so, but it is not that bad. The important thing is to have a solid ground plane for the trace.