RMS Voltage measurement of this waveform by AVR

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Full Member level 2
Aug 13, 2016
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Hello friends

How can I RMS Voltage measurement of this waveform by AVR ?

Thanks a lot

The RMS value is independent of the waveform, you just calculate the square root of the sum of the squares of each sample, just that.
but does this also work for a square wave?

If you could take an example

Thank You

It's a irregular waveform.Numerical Integration is necessary but it's pretty difficult to implement in uC .
Another solution is to use external RMS-DC Converter.It will be very practical and the DC value is proportional to RMS value of the waveform.

This does not require much precision

Is there a simple method with 10% error?

This does not require much precision

Is there a simple method with 10% error?

There is no precise answer to this question; in the end it will depend on the amount of samples per complete cycle of the waveform. Note that signals like the above one, having segments with high skew rate require a higher sampling rate.

Calculate FFT of this signal whatever method (on oscilloscope or on PC) and get fmax of this signal.
Your ADC must samples faster then 2*fmax.
Calculate squares of the samples then calculate mean value and at the end calculate root (LUT as possible implementation of the root function of desired resolution).
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