RLC circuit to be tuned to a frequency of 90.9 MHz, find the R,L,C values for this sp

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Aug 4, 2013
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RLC circuit to be tuned to the frequency of 90.9 MHz. calculate R,L,C values for this specification by mentions the assumptions made.(it is given that you cannot avoid having a resistance of 12 ohm and inductance of 1.29 micro henri). also find the total impedance and the quality factor of the circuit.please help
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Sounds like a homework problem.

And they have made it extremely easy for you, by giving you the R and L values.

Find the equation for the resonant frequency and solve for C. Then calculate C.

The find the equation for the Q and calculate it.

It would be good if you could derive those equations from scratch.

I found the capacitance using the resonant frequency fs=1/2π√LC bu substituiting the vlues of the frequency 90.9Mhz and the inductance given as 1.29 micro henri. i got the capacitive value as 2.37*10 to the power -15.so is this correct? i was confused because the question itself says to calculate the R, L, C values and already the R and L values are given!!! Quality factor equation is= 1/2πfsCR right ? And also the question asks for assumptions, if so what can i write as assuptions.please reply

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