RISC Processor design

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phoenixfeng said:
reference to the book:computer organization and design: h/w interface
and appendix A of computer architecture: a quantitative approach

consider about some ARM-like open core project, such as nnARM.
ARM is a simple RISC core, easy to understand, lots of doc support.

consider about some ARM-like open core project, such as nnARM.

ARM isn't open-source -- it's owned by the company ARM Ltd. You can download and use nnARM for personal-use and academic study. But you would be very foolish to build commercial project around an unauthorized project like nnARM.

There are several open-source MIPS-clones that are good for study. (Probably not so good for actual commercial use, since they are slow, big, and not competive with today's embedded CPUs.)

The book computer architecture by hennesy and patterson makes fair amount of deal with risc processors..

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