RGB to VGA converter ?

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Newbie level 4
Oct 27, 2005
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Any idea for low cost solution.

Yes .. old dvd/divx player that its out of order ... of course dont be disappointed if it havent VGA out ... in most cases on a little motherboard it have place with simple connector that its VGA out .. I cant tell you details because many of options are possible. I saw 4-5 "different" player with very,very similar MB ... Ok, sorry for my bad english, but I hope that I gave you some direction. bye!

what type of rgb are you on about ???

is it non interlaced or interlaced

youll see the one ive been working on for non interlaced but this is to tv

youll need
for interlaced rgb to vga an ad725 {analoge devices}
your RGB needs to be interlaced for this chip or it wont work
if this is the case pm me and ill send a board i already made using 724 or 725

for non interlaced a line doubler or scan doubler {this is lots harder to convert}

the old atari machines it is non interlaced signals
instead i used mc13077 convert to svideo
then plug into a tv capture card for the pc

you can record take snaps
and also stretch the screen to the right size

My problem is synchronization HSYN from 15625 Hz to 31kHz

you need to line or scan double to achieve this

try to look at AL250 AL251

recently this company and others jumped on all the patents they could

these kind of chips are best and can be auto setup
only needing programmed to change settings

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