RFM12BP Basic operational questions

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Jun 23, 2013
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First post here... Hello!

I bought a RFM12bp for the purpose of putting in my high powered rocket to transmit a signal so that I could track it. So, all I want it do is transmit 5 seconds and then off for 5 seconds. No data as this time. Just transmit for RDF tracking.

If there's anyone on here that can just tell me what I need to hook up to what pin, I would be very grateful!


It requires a device, such as a microcontroller, to set it up and control it. Are you aware that because of its output power it requires a radio license to use it?

It requires a device, such as a microcontroller, to set it up and control it. Are you aware that because of its output power it requires a radio license to use it?

Ok on the controller. I'll start there I suppose. Thanks for the help! I've been a licensed ham for 30 years now.
73's KF5OL

Well, it's not particularly difficult. But it does require some experience with microcontrollers. You should be able to do what you want with a PICAXE, which is the cheapest microcontroller route since it doesn't require a hardware programmer.

Maybe you know someone who can help you out. If you were set on doing this yourself then your first step is to get a microcontroller up and running, blinking an LED or something.

It just occurred to me that I already have this part solved. The MC will be my onboard computer that fires the ejection charges for parachutes (it also records max altitude, speed, etc.). The Stratologger even has a data output plug (and an external speaker output; the Stratologger has a "siren" so that you can locate by sound as you walk up on it). I would hope that one of these outputs could be configured to trigger the transmitter on the RMF12bp ???

If you'll go this page and take a look at page 42 (Statologger) in this pdf, it will tell you what I'm working with.


I would hope that one of these outputs could be configured to trigger the transmitter on the RMF12bp ???
Minimal RF12BP interface when used as a transmitter is a 4-wire SPI bus plus a TXEN signal. If you don't have this as spare signals (3 SPI wires might be shared with other SPI peripherals), you'll most likely want to drop in a small processor that controls the transmitter.

Nope. You can't just trigger the transmitter, it has to be configured. You have to give it commands to establish operating frequency channel, mode of operation (TX or RX), data rate, the actual data to transmit, wakeup and power settings, and all sorts of other parameters.

Like FvM said, you likely need an MCU just for the transmitter. This MCU could then be interfaced to your Stratologger to wait for a trigger signal, but the Stratologger likely does not have to ability to control the transmitter directly.

Ok... I am now beginning to understand (thanks to your patience) about the control of the RMF12. Upland, that's why you were pointing back at the demo code on the datasheet. FvM, The StratoLogger has a 5 pin connection: pin 1 N/C, pin 2 +3.3v pin 3 RX data input, pin 4 TX data ouput, and pin 5 GND. So, I'll be only working with pin 4 and 5 (and if my understanding is correct, the Stratologger's connection is a serial port... but for me to achieve my first goal of just getting the RFM board to transmit, will this matter?)

Ok, tomorrow, I will do a search on the PICAXE MCU you mentioned. I need to study it to see what it does and how I might hook it up.

Thanks for hanging with me on this! Pat

Yes, the PICAXE will work. You were suggesting a UART interface with your Stratologger. That will not work. Microcontrollers, such as the PICAXE, have many pins available. Yes, that can do UART, but they can also do all sorts of other protocols once your PROGRAM it.

Step 1: Buy any kind of microcontroller with at least 4 I/O pins and learn to use it.
Step 2: Learn to interface it to your radio module. There are plenty of examples online about controlling those modules with a microcontroller.

So the Sparkfun Ardurion Pro Micro has a "UART" interface? Ok,.. I'll go back to studying the PICAXE.

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