rfid signal using Matlab.

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Junior Member level 1
Oct 15, 2010
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i want to create an rfid signal of 125khz. that i am planing to add some noise so i can do some processing on it on future work.
if any one can help me on this or give me some clues to get started i will appreciated that.


RFID signal can be created by using LC tank circuit oscillations as per the particular code of an RFID tag...
You can refer any RFID reader datasheet for waveforms.

RFID signal can be created by using LC tank circuit oscillations as per the particular code of an RFID tag...
You can refer any RFID reader datasheet for waveforms.

can you be a little more specific. how cani do this in matlab.
sorry for my ignorance

You want to generate a RFID signal in MATLAB using codes, or get the RFID signal from serial port and process it...????

to generate a signal in matlab

RFID tag has a sequence of bits as its unique code. Now this code is modulated onto a carrier and is sent to the RFID reader which will convert the received signal back to the original sequence of bits.
So you will have to generate a sequence of bits as the tag code and modulate it onto a carrier of any particular frequency....

can you give a little help how can i do this on Matlab. i am new to this and trying to learn as much as i can.

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