Absolutely, you can send/receive any type of data stream to the WZ-X01/WZ-R01.
However, without encoding/decoding your data, you have little chance of the data arriving at the receiving end without corruption from interference, signal fading, etc.
Hence the use of encoders/decoders, which can also be done via software on MCU with an encoding/decoding algorithm like Manchester.
I would like to invite you as well as any other person interested in SubGHz/RF to check out the new group:
**broken link removed** Embedded Wireless Networks
I've attempted to make this group a resource point with many links to appnotes, tutorial, tips and example projects. You're more than welcome to post your own links to relevant items you come across.
There is a discussion thread with several links to Manchester Encoding/Decoding and its use with RF communications as well as many SubGHz/RF Embedded Networking Links.
Actually, "mixes" and "demixes" are poor terms the WZ-X01/WZ-R01 use ASK/OOK Modulation.