RF Transmitter and receiver simulation

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Member level 3
Jul 26, 2012
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i am in need to simulate rf transmitter and receiver with micro controller(89c52). i am using proteus 7.7 for simulation. but it is not having rf transmitter and receiver module device. so please any one help me how to simulate RF module in proteus 7.7(or otherwise how can i make it as my own).

Hi Visva
I hope you don't expect for sending through the air of proteus ! and receiving through the air !!!! why ????? it is pretty unusual to test a transceiver in proteus .
Best Wishes

ok thank you for your replay. then how can i check it can work or not. any advice for me
When you draw a cake on the computer using MS Paint, you are simulating it's shape, but you cannot simulate the taste with that method.
When you play with some chemistry software, you can possibly simulate the amount of sugars, carbohydrates, etc., and that may get
you closer to an idea how it may taste, but it won't simulate the shape.

You need to decide what attributes of your system you wish to simulate, and find the appropriate method. Your model could be highly complex,
or it could be simplistic.
the example only can control 2..but can u build for control 4 motor?help me.. tq..

Here an example of how to use Rf Transmitter - Receiver example in Proteus I have added all files
View attachment 81203View attachment 81203

your circuit seems same to my project where i need to simulate antenna circuit. i try to download it but i have problem with the alici.hex file. can you please upload the file for alici again. please. i try to rewrite the program but it turn to disaster. i really hope you can reupload the alici file
alici.rar attached. File is in winrar format not winrar 5.0 format.


  • alici.rar
    9.6 KB · Views: 200
alici.rar attached. File is in winrar format not winrar 5.0 format.

i have extract it. but when i try to run it in proteus an error occur where it says that the alici.hex file cannot be opened. is there any different of extracting file whether it is winrar 5.0 or winrar format?

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