RF power amplifier design [hlp]

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Dec 17, 2006
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rf power amplifier design

I want to design an RF power amplifier. but I know almost no thing!!
pls help me. Which blocks are there in power amplifier? power transistor? power supply? combiner? ... Is there any simple block diagram?

pcm rf power amplifier

you need study about RF amplifiers. in a design process you should first a suitable transistor. drawing stability circles. designing input and output matching networks. designing bias circuit and ...
for this personally suggest you to study "microwave transistor amplifier" by gonzalez. it can help you much.
you also need a software for doing the simulations of design process .i think the best choice is "ADS"

rf amplifier helge granberg

Steve C. Cripps
<RF Power Amplifier For Wireless Communication>
Check App.Notes from Philips, Motorola.

Book also maybe Criss Bowick.

You can design a cascaded amplifier, LNA, Driver and PA. It depends on the output power demanded.

you can read some phd paper at first, then read some ieee papers, then try to design a pa. you can do it! best regards to you.

can anyone suggest me a free software for the simulation of the design process of rf power amplifier

For high power TR
Data sheet from manufacturers only provided
Input and Load Impedance
So, you just matching impedance to 50 ohm
Or other impedance requried

The best software for PA design is Microwave Office. If you need, I can upload it. I have MWO 2006 v7.05

yap....if its a full version plz upload. i have the trial one.

RF Power Amplifier For Wireless Communication.

I need this book. Can anyone help me?

Hi there,
For which application do you want to design RF Power Amplifier?

Book "Radio Frequency Transistor" by Norman Dye and Helge Granberg " is a good book for understaning the transisor at RF frquency,Matching technique, combing techniques.

Can I get a schematic of the simplest wireless device, transmitter n receiver?

Consider the data to be transmitted as a digital data (PCM encoded) and the corresponding modulation scheme (PSK or FSK or ASK) as suitable. The range need not be more than a few cms, at best a metre but even few tens of cm is alright.

The antenna would need to be just a piece of wire, so any improvement that needs to be done needs to be done before the antenna while transmitting. And using RF is also not mandatory!

elec350 said:
I want to design an RF power amplifier. but I know almost no thing!!
pls help me. Which blocks are there in power amplifier? power transistor? power supply? combiner? ... Is there any simple block diagram?

Can you tell something detail about your design specification?
for start, you need to understand deeply about oscillation of transistor to avoid burn down your instruments. Only when it is stable, you can reach your targets!
Attachment is example of GSM 900 MHz, LDMOS Two-Stage Amplifier design from freescale AN.

Could you kindly explain what you mean by the design specifics?

coolguy_ar said:
Could you kindly explain what you mean by the design specifics?
I mean your requirements Such as working frequency, gain, eff, acpr or im3.........

Actually, I'm a novice at doing this. I'm only learning how to be doing all this. Also, I just want to make this PCM system of mine a wireless one. So I was seeking help on the wireless part.

For the frequency, probably the bluetooth freq range is ok. For no other spectrum is usable. As regards the gain and efficiency, its only yet to be considered. I thought these factors come along as we design and realise the model.ACPR, i've got no clue, I'm reading on that now.

I was actually very confused with the very basic wireless circuit such as those for HAM radio and sorts. So i was just looking for the step by step process of designing it..!

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