[SOLVED] RF generator but DC output???

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Advanced Member level 4
Apr 2, 2013
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Hello Guys...need to understand why some RF generator have Vdc output. Or let me know if my question is confusing...Thanks in advance...

Or let me know if my question is confusing...
Not confusing but pointless without referring to specific circuits.

A RF generator is usually converting DC into RF power. At some parts of the circuit, a superimposed DC voltage will be present. If it's transferred to the RF output - depends.
Hello FvM...do you have a link to explain or can read more on this DC/RF thing? thanks a lot.

I suggest to narrow down the question a bit. "RF generator" can be nearly everything, a simple one-stage oscillator, a full featured lab instrument, a radio transmitter, ...

Lacking any substantial information, I can say that my RF generators don't have DC output. Probably they use AC coupling.

The unit is rf generator model (ENI Model#: DPG-10). All been stated on the output are RF_output: 1.25KW and DC_output: 500V....That's the reason i has been confused. Why rf gen have dc output...thanks.

Like FvM, none of my RF generators have a DC output but "RF generator" could refer to ANY equipment producing a signal so your question was not clear. I'm guessing the DPG-10 is producing RF for plastic welding which is a very specific application and it would be part of a bigger set of equipment. Almost all other RF generators do not produce DC at their outputs and in any case do not use anything like as high as 500V internally.


Does it have some kind of explanation why they have it labelled RF_Output: 1.2KW. This shouldn't be like RF with high freq...but maybe because of power relationship..not sure really.

The unit is rf generator model (ENI Model#: DPG-10). All been stated on the output are RF_output: 1.25KW and DC_output: 500V....That's the reason i has been confused. Why rf gen have dc output...thanks.
So you finally remembered the instrument type. :smile:

I guess, the superimposed DC voltage serves a purpose. RF/DC combination is e.g. used in some plasma sources.

A further discussion without knowing detailed instrument and application specifications is pointless, I think.


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Hello FvM...yes i agree with you....sometime people raised question without much detailed info. Well, can you please give more ideas about RF/DC combination? Still blur to me this RF/DC thing...If you have some links to explain this...thanks.

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