Matching concept is not very clear for me yet.
I know that if you match your load impedance with complex conjugate impedance of your source, you obtain a maximal power transfer. OK.
In audio applications, when load impedance is fixed, you will obtain the maximal power transfer lowering output impedance of your source.
In RF, this audio concept is not relevant because of the use of transmission lines. This fact would lead to the creation of standing wave / reflected wave that could damage the source. This concept of wave is not very clear. I would prefer work with tension / current.
And I made simulations with various impedance, phases of transmission line, I always obtained, for a fixed output impedance (50 ohms), the most output power when lowering source impedance !!! So, why matching PA output for example and not lowering its output impedance as it is done for audio amplifier for example ?
I hope my answer is clear.