Thanks a lot Dana.
And how about keeping this LED at constant brightness independent of the VCC?
A constant current source?
Can this one be used for the purpose instead of the anode resistor?
Thanks a lot Dana.
And how about keeping this LED at constant brightness independent of the VCC?
A constant current source?
Can this one be used for the purpose instead of the anode resistor?
Personally I would use a processor, sample a current sense R in series with
LED, and drive the series string with a onboard PWM whose duty cycle I change
in code to implement a brightness control loop.
But yes another bunch of discretes to implement a current source OK.
But your implementation no, there is a direct function of Iled and Vcc -
I think we are talking about uA constant current sources here. A 1.5A rated regulator is 'overkill' to say the least and the current at its ADJ pin alone is probably more than needed.
Possibly a JFET or even a constant current diode would be a suitable device to use.
Say buddy, to bias the q2 at 90mV always, maybe you could make q2 input a non-inverting summing input kind of thing, or if that can't work, use a non-inverting summing amplifier at the q2 input, and bias the circuit to this permanent 90mV you need with a resistive divider from V+ as one of the summing amp inputs to generate the summing amp permanent output to keep q2 biased?