RF communication protocol

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Advanced Member level 4
May 3, 2002
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rf communication protocol

Does anyone know of any good source of information on how to build a robust protocol for RF communication? Would prefer some C source code if possible. Must be some out there but cant find it…

Working on a radio link with a laipac RF-ASK tx/rx module and a PIC.

Regards Me

rf communication pic

hi we developed our own RF protocol based on the free S.N.A.P protocol

However i think is to big to fit in a pic it was designed to run on avr mega 323 and mega 128 the latter being for a pc link and the 323 used for a handheld monitor unit and a loadcell telemetry unit.

it uses a low level hard ware driver so we could drop in new radio technologies and when they become available so you should be able to adapt it to your device. it then has a link layer which holds the modified snap protocol and then a high level layer which supports our command structure and plug and play capabilities of the devices.

i could send you some of the code you may only need the lower 2 layers and a state machine for your app not sure what you wish it to do.

what are low level rf communication protocols

SNAP can be fit in a PIC (I think ). I usually use it with AVR 2313 that compare on the flash size with low range PIC's

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