Reversible SMPS to convert 12 vdc to 160 vdc

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Member level 1
Nov 14, 2001
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I need to design a smps that can be used to convert 12 vdc to 160 vdc (followed for a dc to ac inverter}, but i want to get reversibility. Is it possible to use the same transformer for a 160vdc to 12 vdc to be used like a battery charger? Maybe with a different winding in the upper voltage side of the transformer, to get isolation between line input and inverter output?
Can someone help?

You need to certainly make a transformer with a tap. This is preferable on the higher voltage since the currents are less. You would certainly require to do some switching of the taps to reverse the functionality. You could probably use a relay to accomplish this. In this way, you can use the same transformer for both directions.
I was planning to build a similar circuit some time ago and faced the same issues and found this to be a reasonable solution. I however could not even start the design due to lack of time.

Use a step u transformer with centre tap on the primary and drive the 12vDC with two transistor/mosfet banks (inverter config) Depending on the number of windings, u will get the 160VAC. With two relays u can switch the transformer to use it as a charger too. This way u will use only one transformer for both conmverting the 12 volts to 160VAC with isolation and also for charging the 12volt battery (if you r using a battery to power the inverter) If you can specify the exact application of your circuit I may be of some assistance to you.

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