Restart electronic device

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Newbie level 3
Dec 23, 2012
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Can someone help me out? Here's the challenge, (for me it is a challenge).
I have this electronic serial device which is connected with internet by a serial converter.
The problem is when the internet connection breaksdown for 1 or another reason I need to restart the serial device to establish the connection between the serial device and serial converter.

What I would like to have is a design which makes it possible to restart the serial device when the internet connection breaksdown.
Can someone please help me out.
It is not possible/allowed to re-program the software in the serial device.

Thanks in advance,


To restart the device you must design an embedded device that continuously monitors the internet connection and if there is any problem with the internet connection, it must send a trigger pulse to reset your devise.
I guess there must be a reset button in your device, if so u can connect a relay in parallel with that button. this relay is triggered only when there is net problem.

Thanks kgram007. There is no reset button. You have to manually take the powerplug (24V or 12V) in and out.
I am kind of a newbie, but I know how it should actually work. But I am not able to design a device for this.
I would really appreciate your help

so u can connect the relay in series with your power supply, in its NC connection. reg the embedded part, need more details for designing....

so u can connect the relay in series with your power supply, in its NC connection. reg the embedded part, need more details for designing....

This is the system.
A serial device is powered by adapter 220--24V. This device sends data over the internet by a serial converter when there is tcp/ip.
If the internet connection breaksdown between the serial converter and router them the connection between converter and serial device is gone.
The serial device will not automatically re-connect. The power has to be switched of manuallt by pulling the power plug.

does the device has any indication for internet connectivity? like LED to show TCP/IP connection ?? if u have any datasheet or web link reg the device send it

does the device has any indication for internet connectivity? like LED to show TCP/IP connection ?? if u have any datasheet or web link reg the device send it

The serial device doesn't have any indication, but the serial converter does.**broken link removed**

in indicators, u have --> Ethernet Link - Green – Ethernet Link. if u can open this serial converter, take wires from that LED and connect to a detector device. this device can reset the device by turning on the relay when there is a power failure.

if u cant open the converter, use a LDR to detect the light from the led, by placing the LDR over the LED.

and i would like to know if the GREEN LED mentioned glows steadily wen there is connection or just blinks??

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