in LLC converter your LC resonant frequency should be whatever it is..but then your switching frequency should be between the upper and lower resonant frequencies...(W0 and Wp)
You can go above wo but get higher switching loss...but go below wp and your circuit go bang
AN-4151 by fairchildsemi have the graphs you then see that for a given vin and vout, you need a certain q factor, and a certain ratio of magnetising inductance and leakage inductance.
If you have wide vout range then you need low LP/LR...and this is a bit disappointing as it means higher circulating current.
Its also good to have a low Q so that you can get a wide load range....but low Q can mean a bigger Cr which means poorer output short circuit performance, and more inrush when there is a transient in the load.
Good luck, because the subject is shrouded in industrial secrecy...only this forum tells the secrets it seems to me.