Resize function in vhdl

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Oct 12, 2012
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Hai all,

I have confusion with resize function in vhdl. I have write a line of code as below:
 if even_not_odd = '0' then
        dcto_1 <= STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(RESIZE
          (RESIZE(SIGNED(romedatao(0)),DA_W) + 
          (RESIZE(SIGNED(romedatao(1)),DA_W-1) & '0'), 

When I check the result in testbench (Modelsim), the value of dcto_1 is 384. However, I aspect the value will be 256 (128+128). I attach the figure,hope anyone can figure it out for me. Thanks in advance.


The question is almost meaningless without telling the data type of the involved signals.

But generally speaking, resize cuts or extends a numerical signal (signed or unsigned) on the left and doesn't change it's value as long as it fits the new data size. Concatenating a zero at the right side is effectively a multiply times 2, if 2*128=256 still fits the resized number, the sum will be 384, as observed.

Hai FvM,

Below is the data types of the signals:
signal dcto_1 : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(DA_W-1 downto 0);
signal romedatao : array(0 to 7) of STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(13 downto 0);
constant DA_W : INTEGER := 22;

I understand now why the sum is 384. As you said concetrating a zero at the right is a multiply times 2. If I have a line code as below, is it the operation of multiply times 2 is same as before? Eventhough the number of zero is increase (not same as before)? Thanks in advance.
          (signed(dcto_1) +
          (RESIZE(SIGNED(romedatao_d1(2)),DA_W-2) & "00") +
          (RESIZE(SIGNED(romedatao_d1(3)),DA_W-3) & "000"),
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appending each '0' is like a multiply by 2. So romedatao_d1(2) is multiplied by 4 and romedatao_d1(3) by 8.

Out of interest, why are you casting it all back to std_logic_vector? why not just store the values as signed?

appending each '0' is like a multiply by 2. So romedatao_d1(2) is multiplied by 4 and romedatao_d1(3) by 8.

Out of interest, why are you casting it all back to std_logic_vector? why not just store the values as signed?

Hai TrickyDicky,

Actually, I use std_logic_vector at all my operation (others port map). That why I casting it back to the same data type. Btw, thanks for reply, I understand about the adding zero in the line code now. Thanks in advance.

You dont need to have everything in std_logic_vector - you are allowed to use signed on ports. it saves a lot of type conversions.

You dont need to have everything in std_logic_vector - you are allowed to use signed on ports. it saves a lot of type conversions.

Hai TrickyDicky,

Thanks for your suggestion. I would try it. Thanks

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