I have simple register and getting single bit values from 5 state machines (all at one time). These values are stored in a register as std_logic_vector and has to be given as an input to another module. Once the output of this register is being processed in another module, the index in the register where there was a change (e,g 0 to 1), the value at that index should reset (e,g 1 to 0) and it should take no further input for that particular index (but there is constant input coming from state machines). Any suggestion, how it should be done?
Register code is:
entity fault_reg is
port (
clk : in std_logic;
rst : in std_logic;
reg_in : in std_logic_vector(NUM_PORTS - 1 downto 0);
reg_out : out std_logic_vector(NUM_PORTS - 1 downto 0)
end fault_reg;
architecture Behavioral of fault_reg is
reg_impl : process(clk, rst)
if rst = '1' then
reg_out <= (others => '0');
elsif clk'event and clk='1' then
reg_out <= reg_in;
end if;
end process reg_impl;
end Behavioral;
In simple words, how can I reset the value at a particular index of a register to 0 if the value at that index is 1. Also, how can I stop writing value at that index (because continuous input values are coming from another module) so that 0 which we have written, should not be overwritten.
Well, first question, why you describe in vhdl the behavior of a flop?
you could write "a more complete" model with a data gating, and define a different reset value?
entity fault_reg is
generic ( c_reset_value : std_logic_vector(NUM_PORTS - 1 downto 0));
port (
clk : in std_logic;
rst : in std_logic;
en : in std_logic;
reg_in : in std_logic_vector(NUM_PORTS - 1 downto 0);
reg_out : out std_logic_vector(NUM_PORTS - 1 downto 0)
end fault_reg;
architecture Behavioral of fault_reg is
reg_impl : process(clk, rst)
if rst = '1' then
reg_out <= c_reset_value;
elsif clk'event and clk='1' then
if en='1' then reg_out <= reg_in;
end if;
end process reg_impl;
end Behavioral;
But beside that, you could create a synchrone process with a array of registers, and manipulated when the data need to be save or not.