One thing is to replace a component with a different component, but more important thing is to establish the current status quo of you circuit diagram ..
As it is, you have negative voltages connected to collectors and bases of both NPN BJTs ..
Are you sure they are 2N3055(NPN) and not 2N2955(PNP)???
This circuit is based on elektor circuit(tweeter saver).
Only change i hv done is reversed the polarity of supply, then changed pnp to npn & npn to pnp devices. I hv circuit working with me. For further development i thought of using mosfets for better efficiency.
There was schematics mistake. The 2N 3055 was not proper in diagram.
The proper schematic is loaded now.
Simulate the circuit. it looks like a series regulator but rectified voltage connected directly to the output. I think, this schematic has huge mistakes.
a BJT transistor can not be replaced with a FET transistor. BJT is current controlled device, and FET is voltage controlled device. So, biasing circuit is also different.