Replace 70ns Memory IC with 12ns?

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Phil Davies

Newbie level 2
Jul 18, 2013
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I have been given a piece of diagnostic equipment which suffered pcb and component damage, the previous owner attempted a repair but it still didnt work and gave it to me.

I found a few tracks which were still broken and a couple of poor solder joints but have a question on the SRAM IC's, the original items were 55TC1001 128 x 8 at 70ns access but he has replaced them with AS7C1024B 128 x 8 12ns devices.

Is this ok or will there be any problems?


The question can't be easily answered. Presuming pin compatibility, the fast memory should basically work. But the circuit might generate non-ideal control signals with gliches or ringing edges. It can happen that the artefacts are ignored by the 70 ns chip but cause failure of the 12 ns device. I observed similar effects when changing from 120 ns to 70 ns chips in a pretty old design.

Likewise this piece of kit is quite old now, circa 2000, the devices are pin compatible so i will stick with the 12ns devices for now to see how it goes, i also have an identical working unit which i can you use for reference.


That would be also my suggestion. If it doesn't work, inspect the signals, a small capacitor in the right place might be sufficient to slow it down.
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