Whenever i generate gerbers in altium designer.
The gerbers are generated with a standard prefix(mostly board name) for all the layers.
Is there any option to generate the gerbers with their respective layer name as prefix for generated gerber.
ex.when i generate top layer gerber i get the ouput as dual_falcon.GTL. Is there any option to generate it as TOP.GTL
I don't believe this option exists, but board houses are all intimately familiar with the standard layer extensions (e.g., gtl = top layer). Is there a particular reason you're wanting to rename these?
Fab houses are familier with those extensions....It is hard for a new time altium user for accessing and checking those gerber
since they are not familiar with these extensions....that is the reason why i asked so that it will be easier for more access...
Hi Sivamani
There are no such options in artwork setup as of i know....if there,can u please elaborate.....