Hi, I have few questions.
I’m doing my final year project. I have a car which have receiver https://www.abacom-tech.com/assets/data_sheets/RTF_L-DATA-SAWuser.pdf and PIC16f877 https://ww1.microchip.com/downloads/en/devicedoc/30292c.pdf .
This car is controlled wireless with another pic16f877 and another RTF-DATA-SAW.
So, questions:
1. Can I connect pic16f877’s tx directly to “tx data input” pin of transceiver, and pic’s rx pin directly to “rx digital out” pin or transceiver? Or do I need some level converters like MAX232? (Im talking about both, the receiver part and transmitter part)
2. Does this transceiver (RTF-DATA-SAW) encodes data to Manchester, or I need to do this in my code? (mikroC)
3. Maybe anyone have some examples of mikroC code? (I just only need to light led on car with pushbutton from remote control)
p.s. I have real schematic (not in Proteus or etc.)
thanks in advance
You can directly connect the Tx and Rx pins to the RF module. On the transmitter side you connect the Tx pin of your PIC to Tx data input pin of the transmitter module and on the receiver side you connect the Rx pin of the 2nd PIC to Rx digital output pin of the RF receiver module. You don't have to do any encoding or decoding but your baudrate settings in your code should not exceed 4800 bps. See the datasheet of PIC and confirm if yu can get the 4800 bps for your Fosc. What Fosc are you using?
You can't use 4800 bps baudrate with your PICs. You can use 1200 and 2400 bps baudrates. See the baudrate table in the PIC datasheet.
See the attached file. The transmitter circuit transmits 0x01 and the receiver circuit receives 0x01 and assigns it to PORTD. So, RD0 blinks every 500ms. 2400 bps baudrate is used.