regarding UART, specification related issue

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Newbie level 3
May 24, 2013
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In UART how receiver will justify that coming bit is 1 or 0?

maybe by the level of the '0' and the '1'?

if your questions are brief, the answers will also be brief.

Assuming you are asking how you can detect when the uart receives a '0' and '1'

By sampling the incoming data at a higher rate than the incoming rate, you can detect the '0' to '1' transition or vice versa. If you have enough transitions, you can get a good guess of the baud rate, and thus you obtain your individual bits.
If you know your baud rate, you don't need the learning sequence, and just synchronize on the start bit to find your byte boundary
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I did not get , suppose transmitter has to sent 10 bits to receiver, in that one start bit,one stop bit and one parity bit. and 7 bit data. and the condition is if start bit is 0, then only data will transfer or can say receiver will accept the data and same as stop bit is 1 that means whole data has been received. if its not then frame error.
so my question is how a receiver will understand that start bit is 0 or 1, when to accept byte or when to take decision that whole byte has been received?????? is it related to baud rate ??? i am not ok with baud rate...
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thanks.. what is baud rate ??? any doc basic???

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