Finally, the SIM900 modem works with the below code:
AT+CMGF=1 ( delay of 1 - 2 seconds)
AT+CMGS ="9994238372"( delay of 1 - 2 seconds)
Hi (Ctrl+Z)
Now the issue is, i am sending the five SMS consecutively. so some delay is there while sending the SMS in SIM900.
What happening is, i am sending the first sms. The Modem is waiting for response OK. Without this response, in SIM900, the SMS is not sending. In SIM300, there is no need to wait for response OK. If send the five consecutively, it will send the SMS.
My query is, is there any AT command to avoid this response from the SIM900.
Note: SIM300 Working code:
AT+CMGF=1 (no delay)
AT+CMGS ="9994238372"( no delay)
Hi (Ctrl+Z)
SIM900 Working code:
AT+CMGF=1 ( delay of 1 - 2 seconds)
AT+CMGS ="9994238372"( delay of 1 - 2 seconds)
Hi (Ctrl+Z)
Can u please tell me, is there any command in SIM900 to avoid this delay?
Can i send at+cmgf =1 (without ok response from SIM900, can i send AT+cmgs=”9994238372” command)? In SIM300, no delay is needed.
SIM900 with controller/ PC:
AT+CMGF=1 (pressing ent)
OK ( sending ok response after 1 to 2 seconds delay)
AT+CMGS="9994238372" (Pressing enter)
> ( sending this reponse after 1 to 2 seconds delay)
Can anyone tell me, how to avoid this delay response from SIM900
V. Prakash