So as far as my design is concerned we can split it into linear and non-linear.. am i right?
No - you are not.
In reality, there are no "linear" circuits. All parts and, thus, all circuits have non-linear input-output relationships.
The main difference is if the degree of non-linearity - for a particular application - can be neglected or not.
Now - as far as circuit simulation is concerned, it is important if the
model of the particular part contains some non-linearities.
If this is the case, you have to discriminate between two fundamental different analyses:
* Analyses in the
time domain (Transient analyses) take these non-linearities into consideration (example: limitations due to power supply rails).
This applies even in the case you are not able to observe these non-lineraities on the screen.
* Analyses in the
frequency domain (AC analyses) are small-signal analyses, which means that the program linearizes the circuit around the corresponding DC bias point.
As a consequence, it does not matter at all if the input signal is 1mV or 1kV. The input-output relationship is independent on the actual signal levels. It is just the frequency which matters.