Regarding High Current Tripping


Advanced Member level 1
Jan 28, 2011
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Dear All,

I need to use a tripping mechanism for AC current typically in range of 150 to 200A. I tried one SSR which had rating of 200A. However, even when around 120A flows through it, the SSR heat sink (along with fan) temperature rises to around 70Degree Celsisus.
Are there any SSR for use in continuous operation in this current range. Or can we parallel the SSR for the same. Also I would like to know if there any triacs which have similar rating. I checked mouse, but could find triace up to 88A.

What are the other low cost options for achieving this. Thanking you.


WHY is it so hard to get a clear part name of the used SSR?

Now you provide two datasheets of two different brands with several "200A" SSRs.
I still don´t know which one you use. ... and we are now at post#21...

So I´m GUESSING you used the UNISON MODEL "901 ZDA 60 200 01 CU2"

I could not continuously operate the SSR for 140A for more than 3-4minutes.
I am not surprised.
Did you read the datasheet?

It says:
Load Current : 80 Amp @40 °CAmp @40 °C
With Heat SinkWith Heat Sink A-100+DinA-100+Di
If it is rated for 80A continous current ... why do you expexct it to stand 140A?

I don´t like to wait another 20 posts for clear informations... thus I will stop here..

Good luck with your project.


Thanks KlausST for the post. You have correctly mentioned, that the SSR being tested is UNISON MODEL "901 ZDA 60 200 01 CU2".

As mentioned in my original post, what I want to know is what are other devices /SSR that can be used for typical load current of 140A or so.
Whether there any Triacs/Thyristors which can be used and what rating thyristor i should typically use for 140A load current RMS.

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