How to proceed? (Let biasing current Ib1=50uA)
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M5 .. M9 current sources all have the same W/L ratio, M10 .. M13 about a factor of 2..4 times larger W/L (depending on the µn/µp ratio of your technology). For M3, M4 I'd spend 10-times the W/L ratio of M5..M9, for M1, M2 10-times the W/L ratio of M10..M13.
For M14, M15 - @ IB2=IB1 - half the W/L ratio of M5..M9, for M16, M17 half the W/L ratio of M10..M13.
For good analog current mirroring behavior, I'd start with about L>≈5*Lmin, i.e. L=1µm.
Depending on silicon area consumption allowance, and circuit speed, you now have to select the original W/L of M5..M9: Let's try and start with an Inversion Coefficient IC=10 for the current mirror transistors, the transition between medium to strong inversion, which means a W/L ratio of about 10 for your bias current of 50µA in your 0.18µm tech. M1..M4 then would operate in medium inversion mode (IC≈1).
I'd think this is a good start. See if you can get it working right, means all transistors operate in saturation region for your input conditions.
If the circuit is too slow - or if your boss minds too large area consumption ;-) - scale down the original W/L ratios. Or scale down the length L a little bit. You could also play with the bias current - I think it's rather high. If you can meet your speed spec., you can scale down the bias current, and the W/L ratios correspondingly.