reflectarray patch simulation using CST, unit cell, floquet port, phase curve

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Jun 6, 2011
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Dear all,

I am trying to simulate the variable-sized patch in CST, to get the phase-size S curve. I already did this in HFSS, but want to check the results using CST. In HFSS i am using the master/slave BCs for the unit cell and one floquet port above the patch. I want to see the reflection phase at or above the patch.

But in CST, now i am using the following BCs: Xmin, Xmax, Ymin and Ymax as "unit cell", Zmin as "electric (Et=0)" (which is ground), and Zmax as "open (add space)". And i set the distance to reference plane as -13.5 (seems just above the patch). What's the Z value of this reference plane? And i cann't run the simulation using Frequency domain solver. It is said "initialization database failed".

Any hint please? Thanks in advance.

Attached is the CST file:
View attachment reflectarraypatch.rar

for ur question
1- the embeded port should be to ground ,i.e.,if ur port at z=20 so reference plane should be -20
u run transient solver not frequency solver as u run time not frequency and that method called waveguide method
if u use floquet mode(unit cell solver) u should running using frequency solver
Thanks abdoeng,

the following are the boundary conditions i am using in CST and also the waveguide port configuration.

Are they right?

The results are also attached. I want phase-size curve, but i dont know how to get this in CST. The W is the width of rect patch. The results are obviously wrong cause the phase only changes from 150 to 160.

thanks man.
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Hi panou
last note,choose free normal position at 20,isee ur patch be at -18 from the port,try that
another thing,be sure the W is changed in X direction not in Y direction as i see ur port is X polarized ,ok

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