Referral to IC assembly house that has exposed heatslug packages?

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Jul 6, 2012
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Referral to IC packaging house that has exposed heatslug packages?

Hi, I apologize if this is somewhat off-topic.

We've had a very, very hard time finding an IC packaging house that offers reasonably-priced packages (no custom substrate) with an exposed heatslug. I'd appreciate any referrals.

We have a chip coming back soon that uses a fairly ridiculous amount of power. Its performance is going to be limited by how much heat the package can sink. Fortunately there is no hard requirement; the better the package's thermal performance the faster we can run the chip and the more our customers will be willing to pay for it. The board-level environment allows for huge heatsinks and forced-air cooling; our problem is mainly getting the heat out of the package.

We've had a very, very hard time finding an IC packaging house that carries reasonably-priced packages with an exposed heatslug. A package that involves a custom substrate (flip-chip, etc) is likely to be out of our price range; pretty much anything else will work. Amkor's PowerSOP package would be perfect, but they won't take new customers unless they're willing to spend $10mm/yr (!).

We're looking for assembly both for an initial prototype run (~100-500pcs) and our first production run (20,000pcs). I'd be happy to get referrals to companies which are oriented towards either or both of these volume levels. Basically our only three requirements are: exposed heatslug, reasonably priced (no custom substrate), and high-performance die attach (eutectic preferred, but we might settle for metal-infused epoxy).

The chip has very minimalist I/O requirements -- just a very low-speed (~1mhz) scan chain. We could conceivably put it in a 5-pin TO220 if it we found a company that could do that for us.

Thanks for any leads, I've been banging my head against the wall for five weeks now. Nobody seems to do heatslug packages without a custom substrate, and we simply don't need the I/O density that those are meant to provide, so it's a very wasteful option for us. Of the few companies I was able to locate many didn't respond to inquiries, some said our volume was too low, some said our volume was too high, and one company managed to quote us something at least somewhat usable.
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Did you already ask **broken link removed** , a former Infineon semiconductor service company? I think they're willing to do packaging prototype service.

Did you already ask **broken link removed** , a former Infineon semiconductor service company? I think they're willing to do packaging prototype service.

Hrm, I don't see anything on their website about heatslug packages, but I'll send them an email.

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